Monday, September 3, 2012

Like so

Who am I? On who feels
One who thinks,
One who acts.

Who am I? One who believes,
is moved by beliefs -

"...where meaning orients,
dis-illusion is a welcome grace;

where non-meaning leads,
dis-illusion is an unwelcome disgrace.

the registers in one,
and in the other are distinct:

in one a register of opening,
of something fresh, quite new

in the other, a register of
repetion, quite old, even stale; also,

in one learning and growing
makes sese and

in the other, ‘I know” reigns,
sucks in everything’ ...." -

Who am I? One who smiles
One who cries
One who bleeds;

Who am I? One who believes,
is moved by beliefs,
Like so....


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