this was an attempt to put in words the profusion of images and registers that came forth while assisting Isabel move forward in her journey. That was on Dec.21, 2007.
Vacuous yet not empty
Trembling yet without fear...
creeping, groping in darkness
thru valleys, mountains, forests
in summer thru winter in one breath
insisting, life grows strong...
a distant sense of belonging beckons,
an intimation...
from one, to multitudes
from creatures to creators..
a flickering light,
sustained in hopefilled silence..
revealed darkness as mere
shadow of earth, of itself.
Expressions unfold, develop
Intimation no more...
Life is movement
from moment to moment
dancing to rythm of the rivers and seas,
to melodies of earth, wind and fire- as life bathes in the sun..
ad infinitum
December 21,2007-February 28,2008