Tuesday, June 16, 2009

To whom It May Concern

what do you taste?
sweetness, bitterness..
what comes out?
words that construct, destroy
or does it matter at all
what gets into or out of one's mouth

what do you smell?
scent of fragrance, foul
odor, or does it matter
at all what passes thru one's nose

what do you see?
a blossoming of realities,
blight cruel world, or does
it matter at all what sights
one's eyes focus on?

what do you hear?
harmonious melodies
of movements and cycles,
roars of cruelty and violence,
or does it matter at all
what sounds one's ears
hear or listen to?

what touch your body?
affection, pain,
or does it matter at all
what reaches one's skin?

what 's in your head?
How do you feel in your heart?
Where is your body?

Who are you?
In what direction are you going?
What for?

Answers may come
from these images
whence arise

thoughts, feelings and action
that when in agreement bring
Peace, Strength and Joy;

that when incoherent
give rise to violence, suffering
and non-meaning..

to a journey called living..
for a being called

to whom
for whom
images matter.

Monday, June 15, 2009

an occurence

discerned, the sacred
sheds embers to keep aglow
a new horizon"

*another version of an earlier haiku

Sunday, June 7, 2009

It Matters...

What thoughts come:
just another day?
a repeat of the day before?
or a welcome adventure?

What sentiments arise:
grateful for a new day?

What actions are carried out:
robotic ceremonies?
fresh strides?
attentive moves?

Yes, it matters
how one gets up
each day in the morn...

a peaceful mind
a joyful heart
a body nourished-

In grateful chorus
to greet life from
within and without.

*a poem began in May 2 and finished on June 7 in Georgia with my sister and her lovely children.