Friday, September 19, 2008

A Gift to Share, Tributes to Give

2nd edition:

amid a mileu of habitual din
ignored, illusions simply passed by.

Unceremoniously it happened:
an outline of a figure appeared -
a rather familiar image.

As a collage of memories--
since my childhood-- of vivacious streams of scenes
accompanied by the image emerged,

tears rolled ashore...
from the depths sentiments soared -
of joy, of affirmation, of gratitude.

Fused in love, and laved with compassion
so longed for-- believed denied--- unrecognized, before
were there, are there, afterall.

I am not alone.
Indeed, I was never alone!
I am with my Guide.

In my darkest moments, my Guide in vigil held a light
bright enough to show the hovering shadows,
and brought in prudence as i pondered my whereabouts.

When in need,
my Guide oriented my look-
within and without,

Etched so distinctly were
two milestones, that marked
the path i was to travel on..

At the crossroads of
values, beliefs and practices that
got me so confused,

at 16 found SCA that gave me hope
for there i found a chaplain with
bold deeds , and simple words-

"let your religious sentiments be your guide,
and surely, you will never be lost;
worry not about the name, or names

it has been, or will be called,and
be yourself- was his counsel,
but that was not all

Erps provided not just succor, but also
drove me, and other youths home-
to disarm parents ready to scold.

a true missionary, of Columban suit
fondly called 'Erps'", meaning Father-
by me and many others, young and old.

"Stay well, be happy and be true"
to-day, the refrain he bids me so;
and when i asked,

what can i do, he simply says,
" like, the movie-"pay-it-forward',
you know....?"

Entering adulthood, new anxieties
came..far from the campus i was then..
when Silo's Message appeared around the bend.

His doctrine came with ways and means
that helped, to distinguish chaff from grain
and put simply, true questions to ask;

prodded me to learn from insults, pain and fame-
to see, to feel, to think;
and, thru experience verify-

if and when my heart, my head, and my actions are in agreement, or not;
whether Peace, Force and Joy are present or absent, in me and those around me;
and showed me how to recognize my Guide.

How kindly my Guide caresses and kisses my forehead
when earthiness weighs me down...
How wisely my Guide looks upon my process of fruition
as subject to Laws and to a myriad of human inventions...
How strongly my Guide nurtures my strides
toward a beam of light....

The image of Mother and Child - immaculate
Mother of Life, of Universe - infinite..
My own Internal Guide.

Following is the Spanish Version of the original, first edition:

… finalmente,
en el medio del estrépito habitual
ignoradas, las ilusiones simplemente quedaban a un lado.

Todo ocurría sin ceremonia:
aparecía el bosquejo de una figura –
una imagen mas bien conocida.

Un collage de recuerdos—
desde mi infancia—de corrientes vivaces de escenas
acompañadas por la imagen que emerge,

lágrimas rodaban hasta la orilla...
desde lo profundo se elevaban sentimientos
de felicidad, afirmación y gratitud.

Fundidas en el amor y bañadas con compasión
tan anheladas—creí que eran negadas—si ser reconocidas, antes
estaban allí, allí están, después de todo.

No estoy sola.
Por cierto, ¡nunca lo estuve!
Estoy con mi Guía.

En mis momento más oscuros, mi Guía en vigilia sostuvo una luz
de suficiente brillo que mostraba las sombras que merodeaban
y trajo prudencia mientras meditaba sobre mis alrededores.

Cuando lo necesitaba,
mi Guía orientaba mi mirada—
hacia mi misma y hacia el exterior,

así encontré el Mensaje de Silo—
me ayudó a distinguir entre la barcia y el trigo
cuando me hizo preguntarme, “¿Quién soy?”

Me lo dio un impujencito a aprender de los insultos, del dolor y la fama—
a ver, a sentir, a pensar y,
a través de la experiencia, a comprobar—

si y cuando mi corazón, mi mente y mis acciones concordaban o no;
si la Paz, Fuerza y Alegría están presentes o ausentes; en mi, en mi alrededor
por sobre todo, abrió el camino hacia el encuentro con mi Guía.

Con cuánta bondad mi Guía acaricia y besa mi frente
cuando lo mundano me agobia…
Con cuánta sabiduría mi Guía observa mi proceso de realización
cuando me veo sujeta a las Leyes y a una miríada de creaciones humanas…
Con cuánta fuerza mi Guía alimenta mis pasos
hacia un rayo de luz…

La imagen de la Madre y el Niño—inmaculada
Madre de la Vida, del Universo—infinita…
Mi propio Guía Interno

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