Friday, December 23, 2011


Peace Is
Joy is
Force in
every breath -
a melody


a yawn greets dawn
earlier, shadows veiled the moon -
eyes learning to see

gifts to share...

a bouquet of harmony
from a smile.

a river of understanding
from acts of kindness

a world of Peace
from acts of Nonviolence

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Silence seem like God
The opposite, Noise - a devil
appear undisguised.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Rising Sun(*)

" Nippon Maru,sailing
the blue, blue ocean...

Riding the waves, over
the deep blue sea"...

Lyrics born
Of dreams and schemes;

Then and now
Amidst tidal waves...

The singing rise,lifting
Deep blues that veil

The House
Of the Rising Sun

(*)dedicated to batchmates of 1976 Ship for Southeast Asean Youth Program for its reunion on November 29, 2011 in Japan.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


words, like weeds
grow not on
artificial turfs.

its tender buds
timely nipped,
a bougainvilla blooms.

Redwood giants
they become, burls
surpassing the gold rush*

* remembering the Avenue of the Giants
in Eureka, California

Saturday, October 8, 2011

notions in motion

laying underneath
beckoning from above

lying behind
becoming ahead

darkness glowing
in a candle light

shadows sheltering
at highnoon

notions in motion
turning blues into songs.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

changing suits

Sweet adieu, Winter...!
Green tendrils peeking from branches
Signal, " Spring is in the Offing!"*

dedicated to Morgan

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


things real or imagined
populating the landscapes
within reveal or hide,too
those in the landscapes without.

beyond man-made din

do angels sing

in winter chill
or in summer heat;

do angels sing

a lullaby
when body needs rest;

do angels sing

beyond, above
in spite of, man-made din.

knowable occurence

where true needs arise
there, too with deep search for help
fulfillment comes about.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

note worthy...

blessed is the evening
when shadows, too retreat.


verdant forest rise
where before burning lava
enveloped the land.


along side some apples
more trees are growing in the garden...
where is Eden?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

invisible to the eye...

in total darkness
shadows stay out of sight

in broad daylight
countless stars glow unseen

in twilight and dusk
dreams and dreamers stand out


past and future
butt heads
in the present

" a blessing in disguise"

"false hope seeks refuge
in the land of nostalgia

true hope rises
from the land of the future

one steps back
while the other moves forward"

said a whisper
gliding on teardrops.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

same feathers are these

coming like a thief
believing there is something
to steal, such is death


things appearing real-
an end all magicians seek.
ego does the same

written 19 April 2011

about "a song called haiku"

a note becoming
a tune into music
a gem named haiku

written 18 april 2011

traffic lights within

familiar faces
in unfamiliar grounds turn
yellow, red or green.

written on 17 April 2011

beyond shadows' reach

Heartbeats resonating with the rhythm of life
Biased joy under a moonbeam
Fragrant corona from tendered seeds.

Like waters in a stream meandering,
Cascading gently at times, forcefully
Joining rivers, to rendezvouz with the sea.

Movements seen not-seen, gyrating
In various planes, in degrees, in rhythms, cylces
A rainbow, in its arc, colors live.

An abode whose ceiling is the universe,
The Earth its ground, - expressing
Light in manners of being,...

Often beyond human eyes
Destinty beckons:

written on 10 april 2011

In all, ONE

Gift and giver grow,
in the heart, in the mind
from whose body
the spirit soar
there, where here and beyond
Is - One Marvel, Life

written 2 april 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

What a Gift!

To the World
Grows from

*while searching for a narrative to describe an on-going work, this verse and the other 2 before it, was written, instead on 17Feb.2011. the search for that narrative continues.

About the Crowd

From the ground
Pulchritude rises
In ovation to
Liberty knocking
Off censorship


seeing itself mired,
wired, mirrored in tangibles -
one asks, " Who Am I?"